
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

W101Moments: 8/16/11

-What did you just call me? Hold on, let me turn on my Caps lock. WHAT NOW! .

-We all have the one friend who is always on and ready to help. .

-Watching random PvP matches because you have nothing better to do. .

-"Hey [Insert name here]!" WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE!? "Not you...." Oh.. Sorry.. ^_^ .

-*sees red broken link symbol* Internet, Y U NO WORK? D: .

-The sad moment when you have more crowns than gold. I has no $! .

-GAH! Why do you do this to me pet? Is it the snacks? Stop giving me these horrible talents! .

-Hmm. This candle doesn't match the rest of the room. *picks up everything* .

-I'll never regret adding you as a friend. Even though you port whenever you want, but hey what are true friends for? .

-To Flee, or not to flee. That is the question. .

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